I hope you’re enjoying the ‘On Purpose’ Lent course material individually (it’s not to late to sign up to the daily emails - here), in home groups, and through our sermon series, focussing on Jesus’ purpose as seen through the events of Holy Week. We’re reminded that, ‘No matter how mundane our everyday tasks and interactions may seem, they all have deep purpose in God’s eyes. In our work, family life, friendships, interests, and neighbourhoods, we’re invited to join in his redemptive work, making earth more like heaven. And that means wherever we go and whatever we do, we do it with purpose – God’s hands and feet in his world.’ That goes for Annual meetings too! Electing new council members is Kingdom work and it’s always good to look back at the past year, to celebrate what’s been good and remember how God walked with us in not only the good, but also in what was hard - like losing dear church family members. And of course we are looking forward to continuing the conversations over lunch afterwards!
Read the rest of the newsletter here.