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Everyone's welcome


There's a warm reception for everyone at St Francis.

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As you’ll see, Sundays are pretty informal - we’re just imperfect people who are getting together to find out more about Jesus, to spend time with Him and to look together at how we can love and serve other people. We believe that God helps us and guides us by his Holy Spirit.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from or where you’ve been, you’ve got something to bring! When you arrive, sit wherever you like. You won’t be asked to do anything and you aren’t expected to pay for anything, so just sit back and relax! Meet the team

We run programmes for Kids at the same time as our Sunday service. Please see below for more information.

Access for all is so important to us too. We want to ensure that everyone can access our buildings, services and events and we'd love you to let us know how we can help with that - there's a section on access below.

How to find us

On Foot - If you are walking, the main entrance is on Pilgrims Close. Disabled access available.

By Train - Chandler's Ford Station is about a 15 minute walk.

By Car - There is ample parking in our car park and in the surrounding area.

Click here to see a map of where we meet.


St Francis Valley Park is a “Roofbreaker” Church!

Don’t worry! The physical roof of the church isn’t about to fall down!!

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It simply means that as a church we are Positive about Disability Inclusion. Read on…

Roofbreakers is a support programme aimed at helping churches become more aware of the needs of people with disabilities so that they can access the church and all it provides, and take part and contribute their gifts and abilities so the church can be whole.

Roofbreakers is an initiative of Through the Roof, a Christian organisation that grew out of a Disabled Christian Fellowship Joni & friends about 25 years ago.

Why the name? You might know one of Jesus’ most famous healings, where 4 men brought their disabled friend to Jesus and had to let him down “through the roof” due to the many crowds. As a result, the man was restored both spiritually and physically. (Luke ch5)

“You’re welcome here” This is our message to anyone who’s wanting to come to St Francis. How do we make sure that’s true for those with disabilities? Well, that’s where the Roofbreaker programme comes in. Through the Roof provides training and advice to help us be more prepared so that services and other church activities can be accessed by all. As a church we are on a journey. We’re not perfect - but we want to learn and grow. Having done a “Disability Audit” a few year ago, we are focusing step by step on the changes we need to make.

Our latest exciting venture, set up by our Children & Families Minister, Hannah, is "Footprints", a weekly group (Tuesdays 10.30-12) for pre-schoolers with additional needs and their parents/carers.

If you are someone with special needs and have questions about coming to church (or bringing a friend or family member), do contact our our Disability Champions, Christine Grew and Helen Kelso through the church office: [email protected]

For further information, click on https://www.throughtheroof.org to see St Francis Valley Park Church, and other local churches who want to be Positive About Disability Inclusion.


Mondays and Wednesdays

Join us in our community cafe...

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There are a couple of opportunities to meet up during the week - Mondays from 11.00am - 12.30pm, and Wednesdays from 9.00am - 10.30am

There's decent coffee, tea, and herbal teas - in fact if we don't have what you like, let us know. And there's no charge!

On Wednesdays we also craft for toddlers - so come and have a cuppa and let the little ones enjoy making things.

Why not bring your own craft along?

Our Story

The history of St Francis Church

The history of St Francis Church

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St Francis' Church was built in 1990-91 and dedicated by the Bishop of Winchester on St Francis' Day, 4th October 1991.

The Church is situated in a quiet location at the heart of the Valley Park community, on a campus site with the adjacent St Francis Church of England Aided Primary School.

We're an LEP: a partnership between several denominations, and that means we have a really broad range of traditions meeting together. We're a diverse bunch - and proud of it!

Technically, St Francis' is a 'Single Congregation Local Ecumenical Partnership' involving The Church of England, The Methodist Church and The United Reformed Church. We operate under a "Constitution" formally adopted on Sunday 19th September 2015, replacing an original Constitution which was established in October 1991.

St Francis', Valley Park Single Congregation Local Ecumenical Partnership was registered as a Charity in England and Wales in February 2016:
Charity Number 1165677.

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Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

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