2024-07-04 Generosity Campaign cover image

2024-07-04 Generosity Campaign

That was the title of the last newsletter, some 6 weeks ago. But as I reflect on the last weeks it’s still the theme that resonates for me: the enormous generosity of our church family. In particular that has looked like offering - and enjoying! - joyful hospitality with so many at the festival, racing for life, supporting Steve in his ordination, showing up to pray for our mission partners, donating loo rolls, and offering a warm welcome to the many who attended Dave Brown’s funeral yesterday. Generosity behind these events has taken many forms, from praying, to making the gardens look beautiful, to keeping the place clean and tidy, to moving chairs for the different events, chatting with newcomers, endless face-painting and craft creating, cake baking and refreshment serving! Alongside all of this, it’s been so helpful to receive pledge forms towards our giving campaign. If you haven’t completed one, please do, they’re on the table by the AV desk in church. And please know that the request is simply to review what you give. If you’ve prayerfully reviewed and realise you need to keep your giving where it is, of course that’s OK and no apology is needed at all ☺️. Please complete a form though! 2 Cor 9:11&12 remind us that ‘You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.’

Read the rest of the newsletter here.

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