Our annual meeting is after the service this week at 11.30am - if you're on the electoral roll you'll have received a copy of the agenda and last year's minutes. Do ask if you would like to see a copy!
Annual meetings are a chance to ensure good order and governance. But they're also a really important moment in the life of our church to stop for a moment, look back and 'enjoy the view' with gratitude, and take a brief check on where we're headed! This year we'll be including a brief look back on 2022 and look forwards to 2023 in our 10am service. There'll be a chance to give thanks for things that have stood out for us, too, so do come ready! Then after the service and a coffee we'll have our AGM. The first part is open to everyone in the parish, to elect church wardens, and in the next part it's only those on the electoral roll who may stand or vote.
There's still time to get your nominations in - see p4!
Read the rest of the newsletter here.