Challenging journeys are very much on my mind at the moment, as Cliff and I head off to Land's End today (hire car each end, in case you're wondering. the tandem splits in two! - see page11.) Travelling in the third wave of the pandemic certainly adds another layer of complexity, but we're very grateful to both be double jabbed.
The other challenging journey on my mind is the ongoing one out of the pandemic. WIth the plan to lift all restrictions on July 19th, and cases on the rise, as a church we still want to keep each other's wellbeing in mind.
After discussion with the church wardens, we have decided that on the 2 Sundays following lifting of restrictions: July 25th and August 1st, we will continue to be open only to our 0- 11s and their families for the 10am service. We would continue to ask that masks are worn (but you can sing behind them after July 19th!), that we observe distancing and we'll keep the worship area ventilated.
This will be reviewed in the first week of August, with the hope of extending a wider invitation over the summer holidays. And we'll livestream at 10am every week into the future, whether or not there are restrictions!
Find the rest of the newsletter here: Newsletter 080721