This week, we'll be remembering Palm Sunday. The first one took place as pilgrims were gathering in Jerusalem for the Passover festival, to remember how the Israelites had been rescued from slavery in Egypt thousands of years earlier.
Of course as we recall the timing of that first Easter, we are invited to notice the echoes of Passover in the freedom that Jesus brings in his death and resurrection. Remembering the past is important in moving forward well, whether that's to celebrate it or to lament. Last Tuesday it was good to be in church to remember the past year of pandemic, to reflect, and to mourn those who have died and indeed the many other losses that there have been.
This week we have the opportunity to walk the way of the cross as we remember Jesus' last days and there are a number of activities and events to help us in that - see page 4.
Traditionally we give out palm crosses on Palm Sunday, so that we can look back through the year and remember Jesus' sacrifice for us. If you'd like one, you can pop over to church from 11am on Saturday - there'll be some outside the main church door (through the Lych gate and up the path). Do help yourself as we seek to walk with Jesus in this Holy Week, as we seek to remember in order that we might embrace the hope and joy that is to come on Easter Sunday.
You can find the rest here: Newsletter 250321