Thank you so much for pledging enough for us to be confident that it's the right time to go ahead with employing a Children and Families Worker at St Francis Church.
We asked you to pledge a minimum of £22 633 a year for 3 years...
And you pledged £28 805 per year for 3 years.
Maybe you're wondering if that means you needn't have made that pledge - I know a few of you were concerned you couldn't pledge as much as you might have liked, or that you could 'only' pledge to pray. Please know that what matters is that you were faithful in how you sensed God prompting you to give. Thank you so much for that faithfulness - whether you felt prompted to pray, donate or both.
We're currently tweaking the advertisement and job description and it will be out very soon. Please do pray for that process, that God would raise up the right person for the job.
We'll ask you to start paying the money you've pledged once we have appointed someone and have a start date in mind - and we'll be in touch to let you know when we're ready.
We will carefully track all donations for this work and ensure that all excess of income over expenditure is kept secure for future years. If, after two years, we find that we are significantly over-funded, we will discuss alternative arrangements for the third year of the current plan - including reducing or stopping pledges if appropriate.
This fund will be held within the church accounts under a separate listing and will be reported annually along with the usual church reports.
The whole newsletter is here: Newsletter 170222