What's happening in February
This February, we are continuing our preaching series from 1 Thessalonians.
St. Paul writes very positively to the Christians in the Thessalonian Church. What tips can we gather from his words to provide us with indicators and encouragements on how we can be a healthy and effective church?
Here's a summary of what's happening
Worship services:
Every Sunday 08.30am Traditional said communion
Sunday 2nd February 10.00am All Age Café Style Service
Sunday 9th February 10.00am Morning Worship with Youth group, Junior Church, Creche and coffee, an informal service for everyone.
Sunday 16th February 10.00am Morning Worship with Youth group, Junior Church, Creche and coffee, an informal service for everyone.
Sunday 23rd February 10.00am All Age Communion Service with Creche and Junior Church joining at the end of the service
We want to hear your views
On January 26th, we gathered as a church to discuss the qualities and attributes we desire in our new minister. It's not too late to share your thoughts! You can fill out the questionnaire available in church, either via the QR code on the posters or by using the paper copies provided.
We'd also love to hear from all Valley Park residents. Your input matters!
This questionnaire is intended for residents only. (If you are a regular church member, please complete the form in church)
Questionnaire for Valley Park residents (click here)
This questionnaire is closing is 9th February
Messy Church
Wednesday 19th 10am-11.45am. Great fun for all the family, we can't wait to see you.
Tuesdays from 10.30am - 12pm. A play and support group for children under 5 with additional needs and their parent/carers.
We'd love to see you at Café:
Every Monday, 11am - 12.30pm, except for bank holidays
Every Wednesday 9am - 10.30, with craft for toddlers and primary aged children.
Youth Group - all those of secondary school age are welcome!
Every Monday evening in term time, 6.30 - 8pm - all teens welcome.
Take Time meditation
Wednesday February 5th 10.40 am (after café) in the church building.
Men's Breakfast
Saturday 8th 8.30 - 9.30am - Breakfast, great conversation and a short talk. For more details contact [email protected]
Junior Church
All those of primary school age are welcome
Whether you're a regular or just want to pop in as a one off we'd love to see you.
Our vision for our junior church is that it should be a celebration! So come along and join the party - every Sunday except the first in the month when all ages come together, café style.